

Once a year Billionaire Babes holds a retreat at one of many beautiful resorts for their members; making it feel like a mini vacation due to the gorgeous destination. We’ll be pumping through awesome business material and ideas, workbooks and workouts!  You’ll come back totally charged, ready to sink your teeth into your business. The great thing is it should be a legitimate tax write off! (Always check with your accountant first to ensure you can qualify it as a business expense)

The best part about the retreat is you have no distractions from family, phones, house duties, staff etc making you totally present and able to live in the moment with other like minded female entrepreneurs and business owners. The energy is intoxicating — you’ll love it! The next retreat is to be confirmed. We have our member budget for approx $1750 which includes accommodation, breakfast, dinner & 2 day intensive seminar.

Show your interest here for our next retreat: "Book me a work vacation NOW"